IICA welcomes you onboard to the Independent Director’s Databank (herein after referred to as “databank”), an initiative to enhance the capacities of the corporate governance professionals of the country.
Our newsletter The Hub will serve you on monthly basis with dedicated sections for your continued professional learning and helping you emerge as the “Agents for Change” in the corporate boards. The featured stories across various sections would cover regulatory updates, corporate actions and experience sharing by Independent Directors.
The section, Setting, will orient you with the central theme of the newsletter. This section of the Inaugural issue captures the messages from Shri. Injeti Srinivas, Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Dr. Sameer Sharma, Director General & Chief Executive Officer of Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs on the launch of the databank.
The section, Vignettes, will showcase a study or a bite from accomplished Independent Directors sharing insights from ones experience while sitting across challenging boards. This section of the inaugural issue captures a study from Prof. Bala N. Balasubsubramanian, an experienced Independent Director on the subject “Quo Vadis Independent Directors? A Conscientious Director’s Guide to Survival and Success”.
The section, Regulatory Worktop, will discuss the shifts in regulatory framework important for the effective functioning of Independent Directors. This section of the Inaugural issue captures the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2019, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2019.
The section, Regulators Eye, will present the latest updates in the corporate landscape for learning from practice. This section of the Inaugural issue captures a case study on the fraud hit Crompton Greaves Power and Industrial Solutions Limited and a report of Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy on the subject “The Liability Regime for Non-Executive and Independent Directors in India: A Case for Reform”.
The section, Events Expo, will share updates about the important seminars, conferences, workshops and training programs taking place at IICA, partner institutions and around the world for your participation and engagement. This section of the Inaugural issue captures the events/programs to be conducted by IICA, IIM Bangalore, IMD, and Wharton University of Pennsylvania.
Editorial Board
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